Code of work practices

Most human activities carry special risk which could result in personal injury and property damage. It is an axiom of accident prevention that all accidents have causes and a further act faith that the great majority of them are preventable.
This manual set out responsibilities involved in implementing safety programmes on the work sites. It also presents records and procedures for identifying causes of accidents and reporting systems that are to be maintained on the projects with the understanding that accidents do not suddenly happen but are caused by unsafe conditions.
• A job is well done when carried out safely.
• All accidents and injuries can be prevented.
• Safety must never be sacrificed for the sake of expediency.
• Safety is equal to production and drilling is important.
• Achieving safe operations is a number one priority.
• Safety is every body’s business.
The manual is to be used as a baseline for implementation and enforcement in the company’s project and shall be amended where necessary as new standards are adopted.
1. Implementation of safety programmes approved by the Company.
2. Managing day to day safety activities.
3. Investigation and reporting all incidents/accidents.
4. Preparing, distributing and monitoring tool box meetings ROCK MOST GROUP LIMITED
5. Arrangement an supervision of good house keeping
6. Preparation of information and statistics convening safety performance
7. Preparation and conducting safety training
8. Organizing safety meeting for the supervisor/foreman.
Supervisors are responsible for the safety of the workforce under their control. That is to say that they will ensure that all safety regulations are complied with and enforced within the groups of employees they supervises. Their duties and responsibilities also include:
1. Ensuring that safety regulations including that of the clients are strictly maintained.
2. Disciplining defaulters of rules and regulations
3. Ensuring that toolbox meetings are healed daily.
4. Conducting accident investigation to reveal root causes
5. Ensuring that personnel protective equipments are utilized fully.
Each employee is a member of a working team whose aim is to execute each project SAFELY and EFFICIENTLY.
Safety management experts design posters and slogans in efforts to create safety consciousness among workers.
SAFETY SHOES”, etc. Are sensitive messages that keep workers alert. Analysis of the type of accidents associated with a particular hob will also reveal specific hazards that are likely to be encountered. Such awareness and other prevent accidents and consequently promote safety at work site.
Development and promotion of safety awareness in the company.
The programmes listed below contribute in various degrees to the
• Orientation of all staff (new employees)
• Toolbox safety meeting
• Foremen/Supervisor’s meeting
• Safety review meeting.
Each new employee shall receive an introductory briefing and safety orientation before proceeding for operations. The safety personnel or the Supervisor will always meet with new employees prior to their commencement of work.
In practice , a one day briefing and orientation will be given to all new employees. Highlights of such meetings include the following:
• Scope and size of the job
• Responsibility of employee in safety
• Safety programmes
• Personnel protective Equipment (PPE)
• Specific Project Rules and Regulations
• Safety Work Procedures
• A procedure for reporting near misses
• Handling of toxic and other hazardous substances.
• Fire prevention and loss control.
• Scaffolds and Ladders
• Standardization
• Entry into confined spaces
A proper training programme shall be conducted to analyze the intricacies
ROCK MOST GROUP LIMTIED of the job and possible hazards involved. During the training, efforts shall be made to identify psychological factors that may hinder effective operations and monitoring of training is an intanral nart of cafatv nnaratinnc Tha aim is to ani lin all narcnnnal xmith cleillc and ideas required for performing most successfully, Safety training shall include:
1. Safety Orientation
2. Job specific training based on area analysis
3. Basic First Aid
4. Basic fire fighting and prevention
5. Health and safety Training
6. Construction Safety
7. Evacuation Drills
8. Helicopter Ditching, Water Survival/Training.
9. Defensive Driving
1 0.0ther relevant training and courses.
All training shall be recorded and outlines of the following shall be maintained:
1. Training Objective
2. Courses involved
3. Attendees
4. Instructor
5. Date
6. Period
7. Value.
A successful safety meeting should be everyone’s concern. The supervisor’s safety meeting is the focal point for setting standards establishing safety policies, solving problems, initiative new safety plans ROCK MOST GROUP LIMTIED and accountability.
Each worker is of great value to both management and workers. Other
meetings like Daily Toolbox Meeting, pep talks, Weekly Review Meeting are
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or Safety personnel shall conduct safety meetings at their respective units for proper assimilation of facts, issue like the current safety problems and their responsible solution, new rules and regulations can be outlined and implemented when necessary.
Safety inspection is an important measure applied by the Company to curb
unsafe practices generally observed among workers at work site. Wear and tear are unavoidable conditions for mechanical changes which may result in environmental hazards.
Periodic inspection of operations and operators including operational areas would enhance:
1. Identification of causes of accidents.
2. Self-confidence at operations
3. Mechanical accuracy
4. Tool safety
5. Timely intervention to hazards
6. Workers co-operation at removing possible hazards
All work executed by this company shall comply with accepted codes of standard practices. All specifications stipulated in the drawings and contract papers must be strictly complied with. Necessary precautions must be taken and safe work practices and methods employed throughout the execution of the job.